Ray is an ordained minister with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). With a strong sense of God’s calling, the Calls began serving with Mission to the World (MTW) in 2006. Ray and Michele have a passion to see God establish confessionally Reformed churches in Latin America that will render biblical worship to the Triune God and be beacons of light to a world that needs Christ. The Call family has ministered throughout Latin America and currently serve with MTW in Belize.
The Call family worked for several years as MTW missionaries in various cities along the U.S./Mexico border with the PCA’s border ministry (BEAMM) – most notably Mexicali, Mexico and San Diego, California. After leaving the border, they spent four years in Uruguay partnering with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church where Ray was co-pastoring a church plant in the capital city of Uruguay.
Currently, Ray and Michele serve in Belize with MTW partnering with the Presbyterian Church in Belize. Ray serves in pastoral ministry and church revitalization.
Ray and Michele grew up in Southern California. Ray graduated with a degree in philosophy from California State University, Long Beach and Michele holds a degree in biblical studies from Biola University. Ray came to know Christ through the ministry of Refuge Calvary Chapel in Huntington Beach where he met Michele, who was raised in a covenant family.
After college they worked for a few years in campus ministry with Cru in central California (Fresno) where they joined the PCA. Needing more training, they left for Covenant Theological Seminary where Ray graduated with a M.Div. in 2006. While in St. Louis, they ministered to Hispanic international students and God called them into church-planting ministry.
In addition to college and seminary training, Ray and Michele have completed a course in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement as well as MTW’s cross-cultural training in New York City. Both Ray and Michele graduated from Rio Grande Bible Institute’s Intercultural Studies Spanish language program. Ray also completed a certificate in Christian apologetics from Biola University (1999), MTW’s Disaster Response Training as well as several church planting training conferences with Mission to North America. Michele works in the home, raising eight children and helping out in various ways with the mission.
Scripture is our only rule of faith and practice. That being said, we nonetheless subscribe to the Westminster Standards of faith as a faithful summary of doctrine found in Holy Scriptures. These confessional documents summarize and explain what God’s Word teaches and we confess the truths found therein.