Category Archives: Visitation

Moms in Prayer in the Summer

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 exhorts God’s people to prayer: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Once a week some of our ladies gather to pray for their children, grandchildren, and the local schoolchildren. It is a wonderful ministry as prayer is critical. God is Almighty and only He can change hearts and work in lives.

This week the ladies prayed and had a wonderful time of fellowship afterward enjoying sandwiches, “cold cake,” and ice cold coca-cola.

Continue reading Moms in Prayer in the Summer

Visitation is Important

Sometimes faithful followers of the Lord Jesus can’t always get out to church or to prayer meetings. In this case, these women brought the prayer meeting to the sick. Visitation is such an important ministry because it allows those who can’t always be at church to have fellowship in the Lord and it can be very encouraging. These women from Iglesia Presbiteriana Emanuel in San Pablo are part of a weekly group of Mamas Unidas para Orar (MUPO) and regularly pray for their children, grandchildren, and the children in the schools and community. Praise God that He listens to the prayers of His people!

“Pray without ceasing”

1 Thessalonians 5:17