1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 exhorts God’s people to prayer: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Once a week some of our ladies gather to pray for their children, grandchildren, and the local schoolchildren. It is a wonderful ministry as prayer is critical. God is Almighty and only He can change hearts and work in lives.
This week the ladies prayed and had a wonderful time of fellowship afterward enjoying sandwiches, “cold cake,” and ice cold coca-cola.

Meanwhile, I was able to spend time with one of our elder candidates, Hector Novelo. This week he and I spent time talking but the last couple of weeks we were able to visit one of the men in the village who has been coming to our church and who just had eye surgery. We were able to pray with him and read a Psalm together.

These are some sesame seeds from a sesame seed plant (above) that Hector had laying around. Folks around here make sesame seed bars which are a delicious snack.
Please be praying for this important ministry of Moms in Prayer (Mamás Unidas Para Orar). Praise God that there are also other groups that Michele is coordinating in other villages and towns. Pray for me (Ray) as I visit church members and visitors.